Current LNIS Members

Principal Investigator

Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon (S’10–M’11–SM’16) is a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) department and an adjunct Faculty in the Kahlert School of Computing at The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, where he leads the Laboratory for NanoIntegrated Systems (LNIS). He holds an Electrical Engineer M.Sc. degree from CPE-Lyon, France (2008), a M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from INSA Lyon, France (2008) and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France and the University of Lyon, France (2011).

Prior to joining the University of Utah, he was a research associate at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland within the Laboratory of Integrated Systems (Prof. De Micheli) and a visiting research associate at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA. Previously, he was research assistant at CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France. Prof. Gaillardon is recipient of the C-Innov 2011 best thesis award, the Nanoarch 2012 best paper award, the BSF 2017 Prof. Pazy Memorial Research Award, the 2017 NSF CAREER award, the 2018 IEEE CEDA Pederson Award, the 2018 ChemE Education William H. Corcoran best paper award, the 2019 DARPA Young Faculty Award, the 2019 IEEE CEDA Ernest S. Kuh Early Career Award, the 2020 ACM SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty Award, the 2022 ECE Department Research Faculty Award and the 2023 DARPA under-40 Innovators Award. He has been serving as TPC member for many conferences, including DATE, DAC, ICCAD, Nanoarch, etc.. He is an associate editor of IEEE TNANO and a reviewer for several journals and funding agencies. He served as Topic co-chair "Emerging Technologies for Future Memories" for DATE'17-19. He is a senior member of the IEEE. 

The research activities and interests of Prof. Gaillardon are focused on the development of novel computing systems exploiting emerging device technologies and novel EDA techniques.

Contact Information


Phone: +1 (801) 585-3422

Address: SMBB 3745, 36 S Wasatch Dr #3100, Salt Lake City, UT, 84112, USA


Ali Zeinolabedin

Ali is a senior hardware engineer and researcher,  focusing  on developing smart neural implant electronics. He earned his M.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Azad University and IUT in Iran, and his Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore in (2017). 

Previously, Ali worked as a technical group leader and senior post-doctoral researcher for six years at the Chair of Highly Parallel VLSI-Systems and Neuro-Microelectronics Circuits at the Technical University of Dresden, Germany.


Raven Reitstetter

Raven is a senior chemical engineer focusing on chemical sensor testing and integration.  He received his M.Sc and PhD from Bonn University in Germany. Prior to joining LNIS, he had a career with the US Army and with the US Government at Dugway Proving Ground.

His research interests include sensor applications in biology, chemistry, and agriculture.


Corinne Garcia

Corinne is complementing the team by increasing scientific throughput, and providing scientific communication. She also supports the team's HR needs . She has a M.Sc in Chemistry from CPE Lyon, and a M.S. in Management from IAE Aix-en-Provence.


PhD Students

Ashton Snelgrove

Ashton is a Ph.D student, previously senior software developer at LNIS. Ashton received a B.S. in computer science from the UofU in 2012.  Prior to joining the lab, he was a software engineer in industry for 10 years, specializing in distributed systems. 

His research interests include logic synthesis, engineering education, and emerging technologies and reconfigurable architectures.


Allen Boston

Allen received his B.S degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Arkansas in 2021. He is working towards his Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Utah.


MSc Students

Skylar Stockham

Skylar is a graduate research assistant with LNIS, pursuing his MSc in Electrical Engineering at the University of Utah.


Undergraduate Students

Owen Leishman

Owen is studying Computer Engineering at the University of Utah.


Visiting Scholar/Students

Paul Capgras

Paul is a student in France at Ecole Centrale Supelec, currently doing an internship with LNIS.


Summer Interns

Cam Tu Hoang

Cam is studying Computer Engineering at the University of Utah.

Former LNIS Members

Post-Doc Researchers


Ph.D. Students

Visiting Researchers

MSc Students

BSc Students